Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, On February 12, 2015, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) released a report in their online magazine Dabiq showing photos of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christian migrant workers that they had kidnapped in the city of Sirte, Libya, and whom they threatened to kill to "avenge the [alleged] kidnapping of Muslim women by the Egyptian Coptic Church". The men, who came from different villages in Egypt, 13 of them from Al-Our, Minya Governorate, were kidnapped in Sirte in two separate attacks on December 27, 2014, and in January 2015. This was not the first time that Egyptians in Libya have been the subject of abuse for political reasons, a pattern that goes back to the 1950s. Earlier in 2014, a militia group in eastern Libya declared its affiliation with ISIL, it then took over parts of Derna in late 2014. People allied to the group claimed responsibility for attacks across the country, including the Corinthia Hotel attack in January 2015.
On February 15, a five-minute video was published, showing the beheading of the captives on a beach along the southern Mediterranean coast. A caption in the video called the captives the "people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian Church". In the video one of the killers in camouflage declared in North-American English:
- "Oh people, recently you've seen us on the hills of Al-Sham [Greater Syria] and on Dabiq's Plain, chopping off the heads that had been carrying the cross delusion for a long time, filled with spite against Islam and Muslims, and today we… are sending another message: Oh crusaders, safety for you will be only wishes especially when you're fighting us all together, therefore we will fight you all together until the war lays down its burdens and Jesus peace be upon him will descend, breaking the cross, killing the swine. The sea you've hidden Sheikh Osama bin Laden's body in, we swear to Allah we will mix it with your blood."
Following the release of the video, several experts argued that it had been digitally manipulated and that the actual murders were likely filmed in front of a green screen
and then superimposed onto the footage of the beach. The videos were manipulated to show the militants as being seven feet tall in order to propagate fear. Although there were manipulations done to the video, experts confirm that the 21 Christians were killed, see more here, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_kidnapping_and_beheading_of_Copts_in_Libya
Apostle's Note
Jesus Is Coming, Jesus Is On The Way
-With being totally clueless this was happening, dated 02/17/2015, that as I was dozing in and out of sleep, then as one as to glance into various text messages, all saying the same thing, and I quote what I read, "Jesus is coming, Jesus is on the way," those of us both those, sleep in Him, and those living, standing regardless of deadly threats, we know Jesus as promised, has been coming for thousands of years now, that's since the early apostles witnessed him ascend into the heaven, all with the promise how just as he ascended into heaven from them, he will in likewise return.
-The only thing they weren't told was, when he does in that day, again sat his feet upon the mount of Olivet, that same mountainous area all those who'd died from Abel to those leading up to the day of resurrection, and all those found alive, as so the incalculable number, John witness come out of Tribulation. his huge number enduring he greatest of trials ever, I believe will rise, and ascend to heaven just as the two witnesses, miraculously again that this innumerable host will as well be with Him, beware, be blessed and know, our redemption by the first resurrection of saints has never be this urgent with fulfillment, Apb, The RAM
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-A Voice Declaring: "I have a bear in 120 counties/countries," 09/18/2016, a crashing, fumbling and stumbling of the stock market mightily on the map
-A Voice Declaring: "The Antichrist is to kill millions, as millions go broke," the mark of the beast gravely on the map, 08/16/2004
-A Voice Declaring: "God said, He will kill millions," the reaping of God's Wine's Press on the map, the great day of His Wrath hath come, 12/24/2004, the end of all rebellion on the map
Mystery America, Whimsical Creations, Desperate, On Suicide Watch
-Honestly, America, not unlike any other world system isn't going to be used for any other purpose than that in which God has willed it. This is possibly why especially in these end times, nation of the world are described as beinn angry with God, as they're to realize they have boundaries. That they always have and like all things, wealth, power on this earth, they're to obey God or perish, though instead of turning to Him, it's suicide, even murder suicide, So you're to suspend your children into a black, mind and soul consuming void, and your soul into a devilish to demon controlled hell, and that for a thousand years until Jesus Millennium is finished, now the Great White Throne Judgment, doomed to all this horror rather than have Trump for president, when neither Trump, nor Clinton, nor unlike any reigning US Presidents have any control over biblical prophecy.
fear not, Jesus said the one who can kill you body, it's life and live is temporary, fear the one that can kill both body and soul in hell's fire.
-Don't you see, being in control of anything was merely just an illusion, Iron men one govern the world's wealth and there's epidemic of violence, unimaginable hunger, man slaughters to holocaust because of the wickedness behind it's distribution, all the more to great ills, as the mark of beast is now upon them. when this ministry predicted a Hussein US rule, 2003, and witness spiritually a world out cry for a Hussein into of Christ to reign. Of course it further mean, while the Bush administration was executing Saddam Hussein, Elohim God, was placing a greater horrid, a beast system now come out of prediction, I saw this, as surely as the Hussein Obama, now in the White house, and that for two weeks and seven years.
-So in no way was Bush's wars ending Hussein's reign, but by the unchanging fruition of prophecy, making him the most respected, revered and thus the most powerful man on the planet. One would then begin to realize this is all a part of His being, an Almighty God, why fore, forth telling and prophecy even exist, that we're to know, and understand, God has an unconquerable Will, Plan and Promise for the God/Adam/Man. Herein being nothing more or less than these men of prediction, only to foster all mankind's formations it along His expert advancement, and advancement that will one day land the greatest despot ever or that will ever be, in the worst ever of world reign, the Antichrist, so simply a question, with once American Dreaming now bordering on the horror of being suicidal, who hath bewitched you, what has corrupted your mind, cursed upon you such strong delusion?
-Haven't you heard these thousands of years how Jesus' spilled blood, ascension, having overcome all evil, who once, since sat down at the right hand of the father, but is now burning with haste along heavenly spaces. That's coming to make safe, and move out of the way, that where He is for all eternity, the Blessed Bridegroom, and she the Righteous Bride, see more here, www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com, Having once come down, but also like her Lord, again made worthy, ready to ascend, for Holy Scripture has it, that this Lord Christ himself, shall descend to her, the last Trump of God, possibly the Angel Gabriel, the Archangel, Michael, and a shout, possibly one word, COME! As she alone will hear and obey only this Good Shepherd voice, and after these inconceivable for a millions years changes, corruption into incorruption, mortality into immortality, well just see more here, I Cor. 15:51-58, then like fire rockets all, they're off into the sky, this temporal stay, until the Wedding Supper us made ready, surely, don't tarry any longer, take His, Jesus' Yoke, (redemptive Cross), it's Heavenly Reign upon you.
-Trump as President is just another means along the revelation road of fulfilling biblical prophecy, especially doing Britain's Brexit, it only makes Trump's pending Presidency all the more a Truexit, see Rev. 18, and God crying from behind a silence in heaven, that the repentant come out of Mystery America abominable with sin! I saw this in 2004, when I looked doing a dream, into what it seem was Britain and America, once of another's lineage, even this celebrated, incalculable blood guiltiness. Though now breaking off this gory association along this fork in the road of an exit when I instead heard this intent to avoid the inedible reaping. How like vampirism parent, is the vampirism offspring, here is now the judgment. that they, these world elites were to be instead separated. to be honest, its as though terrorist are to be pleasured. It was being commanded that Westerners Fathers, into their rebellious heirs were to all depart ways as to be reduced into itty, bitty pieces of their once mighty than the whole earth, selves.
-Undoubtedly, this horrid meaning, there is no more time for a sitting, reigning US President, but to do all that is possible to get hundreds of millions of Americans/Westerners out of the way of pending ELE's like a Yellowstone Super Eruption. As so Nuclear War/EMP's US soil, and that all the more nearing planetary monster like Niribu/CME, is beyond imaged capable of , all of the above with enough wrath of God to in seconds, end us all, as so with such the like terrors pending all rebelliousness, this nation and world over, lets just say, if you haven't g=frequent Christ's Cross, then you are the rebellious, the resistant, even that proposed end time Jihad, of the heathen raging against God, and his anointed. Understandably, the 2016 election didn't just place America's, nor the Holy Brides' much needed exodus these thirty years of the RAM's fore warnings on yellow alert, but deeply into red territory.
-Remember, I've seen and testified by a prophetic ministry plagued with seeing mass evacuations, to migrations, to a complete exit, (EXODUS) out of America, knowing this, surely, if people are made this frantic to suicidal over the Trump of America. Yet this thought glorious system of such genius men, only recently unveiled to be nothing short of a damning leopard skin coat of predatory lending, that was to bedazzled to death and damnation all those deluded thereby. So how much more deadly and damning for those abandon by the millions by the sounding of the Trump of God, who is to take all believers, first those asleep, and the faithful living off to believe it or not, mansions in heaven, the godly no longer suffering with the ungodly.
-Momentarily, like a severely pregnant woman, not just in her final trimester but long overdue, she, the Bride await such an instantaneously arrival and deliverance by this timely Christ of Resurrection, who reassured this intended to wed, how no longer was a Prince Bridegroom coming, but He was now on His way here. I know by what has been deemed the foolishness of preaching, (none listening, none seeing, none receiving, yet ministering Christ persist), there are those yet asking, how can I constantly tell you with such urgency, how American leaders, especially since the Bush administration, since the attacks of 911, now come again out of prediction, terrorist are plotting, there should've been drafted evacuation plans more so for escaping Americans than anything else, and all the more is this so for a Trump Presidency, Truly out of all these seers and prognosticators forewarning America decades now, that it has now reached it's end, does he really think His Presidency is going to be anything as natural and normal as a US national to international, howbeit, deadly rule?
-How right now what he with other choice iron men/women are planning concerning this Mystery America/Antichrist nation is seen by God as nothing less than an end time coup targeting His Anointed whose very Millennium at the termed finale of Obama;' Administration, of making America, whose incalculable blood debt reaching into the highest of heaven, where God has plainly taken notice, made to punish double upon them double, is now due, surely, possibly now you understand the fury rising into God's face as their efforts to forestall what God Himself has thrown down, it is as to trample all over God's Will for these people, Americans, again, more like an Egyptian Pharaoh, and the sunlight of God, moving from behind even mountains in heaven, descrying let my people go.
-Plainly, as in rip these imitations to beyond abominations of supposedly peace making lives, lands and churches to itty, bitty pieces and free my people, the marriage supper of the Lamb hath made itself ready. Apparently world leaders are to instead be as a great deliverer Moses, and even greater, a rescuing the Bride Heir, arriving with healing wings, Jesus of resurrection. No, God is the same today yesterday and forever, so are His Promises, His Prophecies, and Judgments set before not only His Kingdom Reign, but Jesus's Millennium. Certainly there is the judgment of all nations, again beginning with America, with Western Civilization by which Rome's' horrors, and the horrors of all ancient nations desecrating the Holy of Holies, has marvelously disguised itself.
-So much so, when the book of Psalm cry, fret not thyself because of evil doers for they shall soon as withered grass, be as though they ever existed. How you will look for them, (the elite, the 1%, the rebellious) and not find them, gone, this is why the most alarming thing lately, not only a mighty voice lamenting, give me twelve, as in 12 slayers, but that all parents were to be killed by a certain date. It is here, the born again shall not fret, for the Lord Elohim know the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish. You're then to finally realize, all of the horrors prophesied for thousands of years to happen, especially to Israel, targeted basically by her own neighbors, God himself even all these having laid such the siege, with some two thirds of them being overcome by the enemy.
-Regardless of such inconceivable horrors, the one primary offense Jerusalem, Judah, hence Israel is to take notice of the most, that in which Jesus described as the abomination that market desolate, now sitting in the holy place, in other words beyond evils, desecrating what to God is this holy of holies, most sacred. The hand writing on the wall, doing the Prophet Daniel and he alone was to interpret, was designed around King Belshazzar and his cabinet all joined in rivalry as they again desecrated the holy things of the temple. God wasn't to consider this evil king's punishment any longer, but that very night, the hand writing on the wall was forewarning how the Medes and Persian were coming for him and it would cause him his life. Such is the same presently, as Americans, even Westerners, once a movement not just for world peace, and liberty for all, but an outreach bearing Christ's Cross.
-Sadly, presently as those going all the more apostate with each and every massacre hidden under its shirt of a perverted now immensely blood thirsty injustice, these such the like abominations for America, even why there was a Hussein Whitehouse, was as well for the Supreme Court same sex marriage vote, this satanic, to demonic to religious mutation to genocide, the Godman, what a too heinous to imagine transgression. Thus it's, Mystery America's hand writing on the wall, Jeremiah 37:8, 1998, it's seizures by especially a war on the axis of evil (Mede), to an empowered mightily Islamic enemy, so the territories of the Medes and Persians revisited, now set to come out of prediction US soil, only a couple years prior the 2001 attacks, still until 15.10 years are done, right into cataclysmic performances of 2017.
-Whereas at least 190 years and millions of what could be damned lives except they repent, escape, will instantly be lost at the hands not only of the Antichrist, though first of all by the great day of God's Wrath. As I've prophesied of seeing since Bush wars in Iraq, is there any wonder why all knees ever knowing this planet will bow to Him, as so will every mouth, tongue confess, he is Lord. Though right at this moment. with all eyes on America, I've seen the torture vehicles, the enemy soil, all as they were lined up for as far as the eyes could see. This was as I witnessed a US general, speaking to US soldiers, the greatest in all lands and territories, how they weren't to be alarmed, how Mede, (as in revisiting the four beast territories of Daniel, Dan. 7, as America herself, was per the Obama administration unveiled as a beast nation).
-Pointedly, as of Daniel 7, the first beast he saw, a Lion, Babylon, the second beast, a bear, Medo Persia, the third beast, a Leopard, Grecia, the fourth beast, non descript, (mysterious), the Roman Empire, (see Mystery America, Apb), The Ten Horns, and the Little Horn, revised Rome, and Revived Grecia. These are not just men, but like I witness the two beast of Rev. 13, those to possess into the Antichrist and the false prophet, these are men, nations rather controlled, by fallen angels, and demons, called, territorial spirits. You're to remember the Angel Gabriel, yes the same who appeared to me, Apostle Bradford, 2004, here explaining to Daniel, Dan. 9, why or how he'd been held back from arriving to him by a powerful, wicked territorial spirit called Persia. This stunning probability, was only with the Archangel Michael's assistance was the Angel Gabriel now appearing to him, Daniel.
-Now as far as these ten heads, these predicted tens heads and holy to unholy spirits bringing it all to past, this is why there is no reaching sustaining peace agreements in the middle, in Israel, first America, to Western influence must decease, something Holy Spirit has reached, by the Hussein Obama administration, granting it exactly two weeks and seven years to do this, meaning as American Dreamed, their beloved nation failed into hands and rule of end time beast, and have as is prophesied, Rev. 17:13-17, infiltrated every other world leader, nation accordingly, anyway this ten headed conglomerate of especially the Arab Emirates, is the only way any or and all warring in the middle east will seeming bring to past a lasting peace, actually a ceasefire, which is why a targeted Assad, by the leaders of Western intervention/interference had continue to falter, as in God is not finished with him yet). All the more explaining why this build up of Islamic torture vehicles were described again by a US General, as being a very dirty Mede, (very wicked, as in satanic/demonic).
-Heretofore, going on, even to explain being suicidal atoll, how more US soldiers, veterans kill themselves than die in actual combat, so be reminded, originally, Adam, naturally of the earth, the human being wasn't build or designed, neither heart, mind, soul nor bodily to battle against flesh and blood. Adam's wars before the fall were never meant to be carnal, never meant for combat, even domestic turmoil, originally created flesh to Holy Spirit he is designed for worship, truth and spirit, all while He frequent the Creator's bosom, the allied Heavenly Throne. This is all evidenced as it explains why suicide, by many a various weapon of mass destruction, violence, alcoholism, drug addition, to sexual and mental perversion, just all these victims of failed churches, homes, governments and philosophies of men.
-Unremarkably, all these band aids, to potential detriment, just this Broadway to self mutilation, though authentically belonging to Elohim God, is why Jesus cries to them, as to bring them all along God's divine bosom, "come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest," (peace of heart, mind, soul, and longevity). "Take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is easy and my burdens light and ye shall find rest (peace of mind, sweet contentment), unto your souls." The more you realize the Genesis, the you're given of it's revelations, the more you understand how it's possible to discover a mighty than all this universe and the foundation of this planet Elohim, having put on flesh and endured a cross for the Adam who once was lost, now crying uncontrollably behind a silence in heaven, possibly just as he cried doing the says of Noah, and presently the days of greater evils right now.
-As it was portrayed, in the most recent Moses Movie, and no this is not an endorsement, but how for days, months and even years it was impressed upon this found to be worthy father how a great deluge was coming, and if he was to believe God, and convince his entire house, he was to craft this Ark, of course with God's help. I mean only the house that God build, is built upon a rock whose name is Jesus, even for all eternity. So knowing all these years the doomed fate of America now come, what will acting leaders do to virtually move the American people out of this sorely targeted country, out of harms' way, indeed God's wrath has come. This is why for as often as Holy Spirit has shown me this end time various forms of the great gathering of saints, as so those various dreams, visions, and visitations concerning the rise of this end time beast, which come into end time world events as surely as Barack Hussein Obama.
-To demonstrate the seriousness of America's fate, one of many of said urgency to escape was if you can imagine, in the form of a slow motion exodus, all were escaping, they were just taking heir ie with it. Now if you think that's remarkable, here recently and most concerning, there was yet another exodus, in the form, not only of a huge, winding. maze of a fall out shelter, but so to the extreme, one pictured of stranded Americans by the millions all awaiting a single water cooler, and if this wasn't the worse, a woman bearing black bowls, and business cards not for better homes and gardens, that's over, done, but for better homeless shelters, It's is all as to represent the worse of all of Revelations unraveling the worse outpouring of God's wrath to come ever, or ever again, that approaches. Historically.
-Stunningly, all those who're heralding President Elect Trump on, are destined to turn on him, like the once supportive mob turn on Jesus, going only momentarily from heralding him Israel's King to a malefactor worthy of crucifixion, the same will happen to Trump, the moment his lovers realize he is powerless to deliver them not only a better, united America, but an America able to stand at all, now to be honest, I don't know how long I'm going to be able to tell you this, but for now, as all eternity lay in it's Mercy and Grace now fading, meaning today is that day, get ye to Jesus, Noah's Ark become immortality to a wordless marriage supper, get him, get ye to Jesus, beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com www.2016maaseiahabonai.blogspot.com www.thelightofctentri.blogspot.com
Beast Of Beauty, Meshullam Kadesh, The Sia Juttah
-No, it just I never considered it before, that Apache, crashing financial markets of 2008, come just a decade behind America's hand writing on the wall of judgment, and now with the Bride snatched out, by yet another decade later, is come the crash of all crashes, with all financial markets world wide blinking red with forewarnings all about it. Remember what may said, about the forewarning given her that bad things where about to happen, right before the September 11th attacks, that she'd she argued, yes, that it wouldn't be for ten or so years, just Sioux as you was explaining here. I like she knew, although as well she didn't know, yeah, that darken mirror thing. Which also Apache remind me the more, Maaseiah said she had the weirdest dream, and I know that's classic coming from her, still in the dream she woke up in a mirror placing her image, like eschewing her face, oddly touching it, frantically playing and suspecting it, because, although the person in the mirror was her, total capacities and all, she had the look.
-Well her face was that of a young Asian male, as though she's been invaded, or sieged this way, "revenge of the body snatches," cunningly a playful Apache Arrow teased, or more like the revenge of Asian Territories. You have to remember, Maaseiah has a prophecy, dating nearly two decades back, yeah I remember, an Asian invasion, and that explains fully what she was seeing and experiencing in that mirror, scary at he least, horrifying at the extreme, unbelieving Americans being so vulnerable. So whimsical creations, that's the word they used, that's the word Maaseiah said, they used, how Americans one day soon wouldn't be able to give these "whimsical," creations away. So, since Apache that is not a word we would normally use to describe treasures worth billions, treasures, ah my God, Sioux that remind me, I saw an image just last night, it was the word treasures all black and blasted.
-That my brother is the opposite of what Jesus described would happen if all we treasure is stored up in heaven, I got to go," as one throwing his coat over his arm, not really knowing why he'd brung, it, the weather, though nearing Thanksgiving, wasn't ready for it. >>> "No Stephen man, why don't you just say Americans are insanely spoiled and when that spoilage becomes infected with reality, the crazy in them is activated. So dad, how did you do it, how did you endure being a paraplegic without running mom crazy? I watched this movie lately, something similar, well he ended it all with assistant suicide. I mean dad surely in all reality, well that of the fallen world, anything else, well in the meantime none if us would exist.
-Well for one Beethoven son, your mom wasn't having it, from the beginning she reminded me, well even us now husband and wife how we're all trapped this cursed world. Evenly with that lifespan nothing more than a puff of smoke, I mean who promised us tomorrow, anyway? So imagined this harsh reality in the beginning, all with everything, and she meant everything we need my son's, just out of reach. Which is why the Christ lord Jesus laments in me you might have peace, in the world you shall have tribulations, in other words we're all paralyzed by sins curses, deceived into thinking we're making a difference, the only difference worth having and harvesting is Christ Jesus' Cross.
-Though tossed out of the garden of life and reconciliation into a path daily returning to it's chaotic self, even the heart, so in the end there was none any better off than me, well us. Although Jesus' stripes, what? Heals papa, and His Grace all the more, right, so as the woman having an issue of blood paneth after Jesus's hem, I had to be as anxious after those stripes, knowing as all believers there was no failure in them, no failure in Elohim. Even while Jesus suffered the cross called on him, so after your mom reminded me and I so hated her, my faith was emboldened, and the paralysis meant by evil was relieved, of course this wait was easy, but more a daily digestion of a bothersome, bitter some heart, though when the fullness of this infraction, this vulgar seizure was come, you can say I was rewarded according to my faith and Jesus' faithfulness.
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