Monday, November 14, 2016

A Horseman, A Protest, A Blood Debt Whose Banner is Red

     God, Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day seventy-four, 11/02 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's gone, 2016), and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, Guns (violence), in the churches, the homes, the schools, the work place, even places of leisure, is it because there is no Jesus of the Cross of reconciliation in the land? The Heart Transplant, vs. The Ban aid, now to both America's legacy of sowing and reaping violence, (whipping Post, witch hunt), Articles... But American violence doesn’t just come from the assault weapons we buy and the gun shows we frequent. It’s much deeper than that. This is also the country that supplies three-quarters of the world’s arms trade. These are weapons sales authorized by our government and by a Democratic President. International weapon sales by America between 2010 and 2011 tripled. The same Democratic President continues a policy of targeted (often poorly) assassinations in Pakistan.
     This country also supplies most of the world’s violent entertainment. America leads the world in massacres in life, and in film too. Read I.M.F.D.B. for a harrowing catalogue. The most popular movie this week, “Skyfall,” is a load of fun; but every emotional climax involves a shooting, sometimes with small guns sometimes with large ones. Firearms have long been identified with masculinity in popular culture. Ever more they are identified with femininity, too. The most popular video game this week is “Halo 4;” the most popular novel is Tom Clancy’s “Threat Vector;” the second- and third-best-selling works of nonfiction are “Killing Kennedy” and “Killing Lincoln,” respectively. Every author, and every creator, should have the right to make what they want. We need to change the way we think about the Second Amendment, not the First. Still, every civilian has a right to choose what to see and what to buy,, Article...  {still, we have to be able to reap what we sow, violence begets violence, blood for blood, 2001-2017, Apb}.

America Violent History, Do We Dare Look, Compare, Is It Scary As Hell?

      The United States of America was conceived and nurtured by violence. The Europeans who colonized America were neither tolerant or enlightened; they were the dregs of society, and they even despised each other. The totally impure Puritans of Massachusetts despised the Quakers of Pennsylvania and the Catholics of Maryland. In the Pequot War, English colonists commanded by John Mason, launched a night attack on a large Pequot village on the Mystic River and burned the inhabitants in their homes and killed all survivors. By conservative estimates, the population of the United states prior to European colonization was greater than 12 million. Four centuries later, the count has been reduced to 237,000. Four centuries of continuous violence against native Americans, and the violence persists.

The Heart Transplant, Jesus, vs. the Band aid, Mystery America,

     Articles... American foreign policy for decades has consisted primarily of military misadventures—foreign policy through the barrel of a gun! Today, the gun has become the drone and the bullet, the hellfire missile. General Smedley Butler (1881-1940), one of only two Americans to win the Medal of Honor on two separate occasions, wrote:

     ...Father if you don't stop her gaining the world, she (Mystery America), will end all human life here! My Prayer, Apb,

General Smedley (1881-1940)

“I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. . . . I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.” Now, of course, we’re using the gun to make the Middle East and Southeast Asia “safe for democracy.” Article...

Prophecy Links

-Seen to be seeing the two beast of revelation 13, one from earth, one from sea, just as Senator Obama, who would soon be described as, "the one," and presidency given, two weeks and seven years, now expired, (America is now a Beast Nation). 07/25/2008
-Seen to be seeing terrorist bombers, targeting the schools, the children, curfews to a police state on US soil, mightily on the map 09/19/2016

Trump Plus Exit = Truexit, Blind, Having Eyes

The Fullness Of  Time, Whose Banner Was Red, The Rapture Of The Bride

      -Those who respond negatively to Trump protesters kept arguing as though they have, or that they ever had a perfect any manner of system. Especially, a political one. So this Apostle responded, Your system! Your system has been slaughtering human beings for gain since Daniel saw it rise with Iron teeth and commanded to eat much flesh, don't you get it? A great evil I additionally saw, whose fields for as far as eye could see or comprehend was filled with nothing but it's bloody swallow, regardless, a greater slayer of man and souls was coming.
     Just recently this covert wicked was portrayed as a great whore of religion, standing at the door of their rivalry, offering you a stunning to resist of any man, so apparent artificial loan, all that you forfeit our immortal soul, whose name and celebrity right now is Trump. No, the only good that will come of this election, that should've been a race to the alters of hearts/blood transplants and reconciliation, that is Jesus, all of you.
-Well, is that while you're still sinning, God by His Grace, it's long suffering has yet taken this unthinkable infatuation with gaining this temporal world and created a Truexit (Trump plus Jesus Exit). Beware, this is not good if you're a true, hot bloodied American, because once again, you're reminded this isn't life, not an imitation, not even close, this is a slow motion exodus, and all the doors are blinking get Jesus and escape! For hell enlarges itself, with sure anticipation that measured by your rebellion, and thus lack of repentance, within it's torrent flames, you like billions of others have made your bed.
     Just as I witness by visions and dream an anti-christ as close as a family member, whereby we sleep, I also witness endless street debates whose banner where blood red. Your life, your America, Trump, Whitehouse and all is your freedom to die as you will, don't you think the God who created you and suffered and dir for you know this? So why all these millennials this so labored foolishness of preaching, why send worker after worker, watch man after watch man, Apostle and Church Bride, just this endless mission, knowing American one after another isn't going to listen, that as the leopard and his spots, and the Ethiopian and his skin, you've stripped them, to enrich them only to inherit an earth of inhabitants that just won't listen, why?
     Sadly, it's for the great white throne judgment, when this incalculable number are all asked one question, simply why, why didn't they see, why didn't they hear, why didn't they believe, nor severed, him, The answer is clearly, how Mystery was always there to lead them all otherwise astray, but so was the gospel of Christ, always heralding aloud, not only that for their immortality, Jesus was the way, truth and the life, all other thievery reaching up, out to him, all resistant  travelers destined along this Broadway, not only does a fire which burns with brimstone await, but this seeming planet, the limitless space of outer darkness, if you ask me, this mental consuming of all things once human of a black void, made grossly aware. 

Desolation, Double, Upon Her, In One Hour, God's Wrath

     -Your not to just imagine a world without God, the world has been without God direct attention since the fall of Adam, since, He explain to Lucifer of creating a enmity between his seed and the woman's seed, how then this enmity, meaning Elohim, Himself becoming flesh, and dwelling among us would restore for all her, Eve's ancestry a whole New Adam of Holy Spirit and Truth. Though you're to imagine a world without the Holy Ones divine intervention as Jesus, the Bride, are all off on assignment, particularly the marriage supper, meaning all of heavens Angels frequenting the earth because of them are as ascended to these beyond imagined events.  So the earth, not since the fall of innocence, (the Genesis), have never found itself this defenseless, this vulnerable to unprecedented attacks by never before seen wickedness, on every hand.
     -This is why I bring your attention to the 2012 movie, a beyond cataclysmic end of the world scenario I imagined and demonstrated by various parables, labored Beast of Beauty, of the whole world being in turmoil with just this out break of historic disasters of every form all around, that only by Mega, transforming ship both on and under water, with a now stampeding world all escaping into seeming to be awaiting all of them territories of not just Africa, but prepared for young marriage worshippers, see the Genesis, actually a spreading toward all it's territories, African paradise, even a return to the original Eden.
     Although there are many and counting earth shattering, ending movies, and though 2012 is like having my thirty year old work now told so millions of unbelievers could somehow help them with knowing these unforeseen horrors are going to happen. Herein living not only with it's reality, that millions and millions will be killed, but knowing, not because of people getting caught unaware after Christ's gospel has forewarn them these nearly two millennials. Though as scholars of such the taking of those seeming possessed into lackadaisical movement all around, said no, it's what they design a normalcy bias, it's this sorta of ludicrous reasoning, of putting not only yours, but American being this world's leader of all things, it's putting a world of souls, in danger of damnation.
     It is evident for various reasons I said, damnation, mankind are born dead, there is then judgement and for those unrepentant, mostly by their incorrigible allegiance to America's religion, (politics, Churches), there is death and damnation, so much so, while I was assisting my grand with breakfast just now, I just out right said, causing her to laugh, that she'd not thought of it, when I said, well, the white house is white again, then I said, to be honest it make sense, since God is going to end America, they are the ones he would want in power because the sieges he has crafted is primarily against them, is to target the European man much more than others. It was then I begin to wonder, the white man, in the bed (see cursed sickbed), I saw, as the roof of high-rise buildings were filled with sore abandon people.
     Just as so it was the white man who'd been tossed into a bed, now reaping this mountainous blood guiltiness he'd sown, whereas too late was being sorry now, Jesus has taken the Bride and gone. Never in your lifetime be persuaded, that these unprecedented horrors now targeting the earth has come upon you unaware, Christ Ministry instead of mockery, deserves this credit, how even then, he talked to disciples about these things, he told them though this heaven and earth would past away, ...let me say again, this is Jesus, meaning, this forewarning is 2000 years old, explaining, how this heaven and this earth would past away, something planetary bodies like Nibiru in massive company are planning right now, stop blaming, stop mocking and stop biting off the hand writing on he wall that has forewarn you since the first Adam, Of God's Kingdom Reigning, of this world now passing into that harsh to once reigning nations of mankind,     

And The Elements Shall Melt With Fervent Heat
See Here, 2 Peter 3:7-14

     -So all these thousands of years since Adam's fall, what the Grace by the woman seed to Christ's Cross, doing the outreach of Christ's Cross, all this time was saving us from, here is how the Apostle Peter described it, 'but the heavens and earth which are one, (refers to present heaven and earth as restored to a perfect, present state in the days of Adam (Gen. 1:3, 2:25, Ex. 20:11., JSM) By the same words are kept in store, ( refers to the fact all creation is dependent solely on the will of God), reserved unto fire until the day of judgement and prediction of ungodly men.
     -But the day of the Lord we I'll come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will past away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burn (this doesn't speak of annihilation but a passing from one condition to another {There isn't anything I will tell you, or forewarn you, whereas the word of God isn't to say the same, I only want to tell truth, God's word is truth. You are greatly deceived if you believe America, the primary of Western Civilization to be targeted will survive this nothing presently will, except by His Will, all of which the approaching Nibiru system is possibly design by God to do, or to at least begin this process.  } 

Obedience Is A Choice, Seek After Godly Wisdom
America, The Whipping Post, Beat The Hell (HEART) Out Of Them!

Article...  today we are not only aware of our own violence; we are frightened by it. We are now quite ready to see that there is far more violence in our national heritage than our proud, sometimes smug, national self-image admits of. Our violence frightens us, as it frightens others, because in our singular position uncontrolled domestic violence coincides with unparalleled national power, and thus takes on a special significance for the world. It is not only shocking but dangerous for a primary world power to lose three of its most important and valuable public leaders within a few years, and with them to lose an immeasurable part of its political poise. Violence in Colombia or Guatemala is of life-or-death concern to Colombians and Guatemalans. Violence in the United States has become of life-or-death concern to everyone. It is, again, disturbing to many Americans that the recent outbreaks coincided with the most sustained economic boom we have ever had. {and if wealth can't satisfy and ease our need to spill blood, innocent or not, then there is nothing that will, possibly why Holy Spirit described wealth as man's stumbling block of iniquity, of course then, nothing will, that is with one exception, obedience, not our own curses, but God's blessings, thou shalt not kill, Apb} 
Although the American creed has been built upon the efficacy of riches, it has now become alarmingly clear that some of our social discontents, instead of being relieved by prosperity, are exacerbated by it. Although Americans are richer than ever, they have not found a way to buy themselves out of trouble. Articles... see more here,

They Will Come, They Will Burn Our Cities, They Will Prevail

     Those of you who read the work and whether you believe it, and receuve it, you're blessed, because it's all holy spirit. I shared with you the testimony of the work, the fumbling of Syed Farook,, that I'd had a dream about him, the night before he was announced on social media as the terrorist involved in the San Bernardino shooting. How this day as I sat my back porch, twirling and fumbling in the wind, this old, yellowing news article of a tumbling weed, which once it reached me, the first article I see is about none other than Syed Farook. About the FBI getting permission  to break into his phone. I just took a walk to the neighborhood store, I find the news article blowing in the wind, immediately I know, it's from the Islamic publication, The Final Call, so I glance at it, and soon fold it into my pocket.
     Soon now making it back home, I find two more of 'The Final Call,' articles like blowing in the wind, just this fumbling again, they, what I soon see is, Islamic Americans are like most Americans worried about the wrong things, like Reparations they believed owed for racial terrorism, and I'm thinking, asking, what do they think, the covert socialism practiced in this country along a welfare state actually is? But within these articles also, is the latest regarding the Charleston church and now, we're talking, because like Syed Farook attack, Holy Spirit did a count down in my head, 10 days before this church shooting, So none of this matter, this include this recent election, that has only reminded us how greatly we need a Truexit, so what matters are these various articles unveiling not only Islamic matters on US soil, but terrorism as a whole, and why never since Bush war on the axis of evil, has it been so important.
     You see, as I was given dreams of Syed Farook, that night, who just walked up to the driver side of my car, started a conversation, of which I don't remember, what I do remember, and why the FBI was so anxious about getting into his phone, Syed was demonstrating the latest of technology, a USB adapter, possibly dates, times and places, I little comprehend it only that the next I know, Syed had now taken control of my car and was now showing himself, this reckless driver. So we're to remember the handle bars of the ads thrower, (paper boy, paper route), upon which was seen a funeral reef, that reached far into the heavens above with it, possibly of Holy Spirits warning of approaching dangers, sieges, of unforeseen death tolls, having both Obama's, the beast from the sea, and Clinton, the beast from land, names upon them, herein this is all in light of the Brides Resurrection, now this countdown to Daniel's Week Finale. 
     -So as I stood God's Throne this celebration, the one by which the Christ of Resurrection Himself had demonstrated a catching away of the bride to there, and here I was not only standing before a prophet Ezekiel, but now, having been taken from incredible celebrations in heaven I was now brought before a mountain, and here begin to see that emerging was the sunlight of God itself, which spoke to say, I, well, you're to imagine like I'm a Moses myself, and America, the rebellious world all inhabitants of an idolatrous not only to a fault, but curses, damnation and hell, Egypt, as those holding God's people this indescribable worth, mocked, prosecuted and martyred, just refusing to release them, thus this sunlight spoke, and I quote, "let my people go. Apparently it was here again the Sunlight of God, was giving and unveiling my calling, once by Christ being told to come, thrice, now as one sorely intertwined within unpronounced greatness in heaven, instead being told to go, "do you love me more than these, (temporal treasures)? Well do we? 

The Slow Motion Exodus, The Woman Bearing Black Vials, A Sorely Visited Water Cooler

     The truth is, and thank God as Putin's Russia and China alert sleeping Giants like America into a clear and approaching dangers, the truth is America is going to look nothing like this in only a short time. The most noted behind the Intrepid Dream forewarning was how fast it all happen, not that American soil haven been forewarn, and yes forewarn and again forewarn, it is just that once it's pending with such desolations despite it's greatness, and vastness and beyond being the greatest of countries, desolations hath come, and will be like it never happen, that Jesus' Cross never awarded us the dispensation of Grace  into the British empire  into America today, its like all was had of it was ancient civilization namely the Roman Empire, but that vastly surpassing them, meaning us, just completely disappeared. It's like that described in Holy Scripture. Psa, 37, about the wealthy, how one day you're look for them and they shall never again be found.
     Then frightfully, but necessarily, we're back to the prophet Daniel seeing four beast strove upon the sea, again like Mystery America was never meant to be, beast meaning kingdoms and John being told or shown doing revelation, how these four where actually, five, with one existing, this six and with a seventh coming, again of these ancient territories having 10 heads set to rise, undoubtedly, the conglomerate of mostly Islamic nations I witness rise, just as America, and The West were set back these hundreds of years once upon a time hath by her, and three and a half years into their Islamic world reign, how after desolating three of them is to rise in their midst the long anticipated abomination of desolation, that most of all to make Israel desolate, overcoming a 2 thirds of them, and  time, times and the dividing of time therein, this beyond all of them interference, then immergence of Jesus's millennium, see here following Obama's administration meaning spiritually speaking, seeing, Holy Spirits are done with it, come, you can see all the more right here, as so,, beware Apb, The RAM...

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