Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Broken, The Rainbow Covenant
-Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, A front-line worker in Myanmar cried “tears of joy” when he was cleared of human trafficking charges on Oct. 6.
In April, the worker known as Brother “Xi” met a widow and her 13-year-old daughter in one of the rural villages where he was sharing the gospel. When the woman and her daughter became Christians, it upset the Buddhist monk who led the village temple. He threatened Brother Xi and told him not to share Christianity in his village.
After her conversion, the young girl decided on her own that she could no longer attend the free local school provided by the Buddhists at the monastery in their village. However, her mother was too poor to afford tuition at any other school. They asked Brother Xi for help, and he found the girl a place at a boarding school in another area.
Initially, he was not permitted to see his wife or get legal counsel, but after VOM partners provided him with a lawyer, he was released on bail. Many in the Christian community anticipated that the case would take at least six months to process. The human trafficking charges were very serious, and he was convicted, Brother Xi would face years in prisoner.
When in jail, Brother Xi wrote, “I have peace in the Lord, though I was falsely accused because of my faith and Christian activities. The opposition has tried to cause me problems in many ways. But the more I face persecution in my life, the more my church members and I grow in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Brother Xi’s story was posted on iCommittoPray.com, and many VOM readers responded by praying and posting their prayers. Three days later, word came that the charges were dropped. See, More Here, http://www.persecution.com/public/newsroom.aspx?story_ID=%3d383235&featuredstory_ID=%3d353531
Prophecy Link
Turfs Wars, Derivatives and Political Scandals
-Seen to be seeing a controversial note, letter, a scandal of sorts targeting the Whitehouse which is to then cause nation wide panic, chaos and repeated forms of vicious attacks. Just all of the above when a white (pure, redeemed) woman’s cry toward heaven cause the heavens to cry out in it’s own voice, in her own hearing, “A Day Before Christmas.” There’s something about the day before Christmas, about December, 24th about Christmas eve, a form of divine intervention gloriously on the map 12/10/2008
If I Make My Bed In Hell, Behold, Thou Art There www.deaththeillusion2016.blogspot.com
"Trump Presidency, you guys don't be deceived, and I shall send them strong delusions, remember? So this here, all of it, is the peace before the storm where in biblical reality desolations are come. Tell them Sole what you saw happen to peaceful skies, well, it was doing a horrifying dream, I witness the skies above crystalize and crack apart into these giant, piercing shods of glass and like missiles shoot down and target all things on this earth, what I now believe is demonstrating, like a Yellowstone, Super Eruption, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwtX9ffJaco. Look, I was standing my window a few days past, just this heck of a stunning day, I open the door to go outside, and just as I did, I heard a voice, lament, "I shall bring it all to waste," yeah Aires man, that's like the warning right before Katrina, moving from the kitchen, a meal in hand, when I heard a voice, lament, "all going about a normal life, everyday life, can just forget it," so there is here you guys, just this plethora of warnings, of these concerning reminders, how we're not too get comfortable, unthinkable troubles are coming. Yeah, so instead of like seeing Obama's Whitehouse rule like five years prior, Maaseiah didn't see what man, even demons were now planning, a Trump Whitehouse, but instead what was on God's itinerary Jesus Millennium Reign, right? You see non-believers can't see this, they will only see that they have control of all things America, the West and the world at the push of an election booth. It's like Holy Spirits, well, since they won't see the truth, believe it and in their hearts receive it, then the Holy Spirit allow them to see what it is they want to see, and thus having eyes, they're yet considered blind. Wow how fantastic is that, and scary as hell for all those not rooted and grounded in Christ, ah, Jesus that is, ah, my God, that's what it mean, and I will allow them to believe a lie who refuse the truth, yes, right. You see, while Americans and the world are united in celebrating how they get to dodge the worse that's to happen; only right now, one of the most important of all bible prophecies, recorded not only Rev. 17. Though Daniel 7-12 chapters, is what's in the spirit world both good and evil, truly transpiring, so never as Jesus forewarn, since the days of Noah has this planet and man been in so much trouble. We know this, not only as Holy Spirits revealed Jesus' Millennium being realized as Hussein Obama's rule take this exit, the emphasis on Hussein, meaning the end time ten heads mostly Islamic world rule. Though showing the rise of the two most important beast of God's Revelations emerge on the scene just as his, Obama's, it's like a portal, or the bottomless pit just open up doing this man 's potential administration putting all these scariest, to dangerous, deadly events into motion. Surely, these impossible to realize events as those of this present hour is all the more demonstrated having awarded the first of Hussein's Administration two weeks and seven years expiring around, what? August of 2015, meaning America, and all world nations have all fallen into the hands, or the control of the beast system, so let's say it again, everything is actually it's worse and is never, ever alright. I had these dreams last night you guys (2015), in one dream I was shown the antichrist who totally and completely permeated the earth, killing millions as was described of him. Then as to move from there, I saw something beyond extraordinary, I saw the bride, and she was reigning in heaven, not only so, I, ah, well, she had in her possession, the stone cut out without hands. If you're thinking, yes, that King Nebuchadnezzar saw fall from heaven and crush everything, so the one most curious thing about it, it had the surface of a meteor, which leave me to ask, have you guys heard about a virtual new solar system itself, of a planetary body, being called Nibiru; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl5BwrSpp1s, How it's to affect planet earth, even America, around the same time as the prophesied time able of the intrepid Dream, 2001; well, how when it does, it has the potential to cause the damage of an Extinction Level Event, (ELE)? It's even you guys seeing Michael Clark Duncan singing opera/Armageddon in the wilderness, the cataclysmic happening, sentence, being forewarn these 15.10, that's to be carried out around, what? Right now, that will do one thing I know, set not just this country, but all of the Western World back nearly 200 years. "A catastrophe on the earth," Andre solemnly said, taking and sipping her cup, this daunting glance up, away into a twilight day, along wondering whether it's to rain, "that's what I heard, possibly Maaseiah what's being described behind the sixth seal. I was listening to a video about it, also called, Nemesis, Planet X, this guy was describing how it would look if we could easily see it, only, the more he said. Well, the more it fit what my kids and I saw the other Sunday as we played in the park, when we saw, what can only be described as another sun, only smaller. The anomaly in question seem to be surrounded by a colorful midst, almost like the sun look when it's setting behind the clouds only brighter, and I said, pointing into a 3 O'clock sun. Ok, there is the sun over there, so what is that? We all saw this, about 12 or more and we couldn't explain it, except it look like two suns at one time, one on opposite sides of the sky, only we didn't need a special telescope to see it, wow May, believe me you all, I know. See what you all must realize, they choosing Trump after the two weeks and seven years of Obama, of God's assigned time table mean yet after thousands of years of ministry Christ, still you had more people getting to voting booths, than repentant alters at choosing again a sort of Barabbas over Jesus the Christ. So all those people who threaten to get out if he win, you think they will? Some, but only to again place themselves in harms way, there is as it was for the people of Ezekiel's day, no real, true place to escape, they would one way or another suffer the consequences of their sins; making Jesus' Cross, what they constantly resist, His Sacrificial Blood, again the only Safeguard. So Maaseiah, this specialty stone, yeah Sole, Jesus's Millennium, scared poor old King Nebuchadnezzar literally to death, like I said, it had the surface of a meteor, which make sense, said planetary bodies are to pound the earth prior to, and make an appearance doing Jesus' second return, I even heard one, an Asteroid commanded, to strike, well, destroy, the west constantly sinning, (Wisconsin). Upon which you guys Niribu, a damn good suspect, arriving at this specific time possibly is, this unforeseen judgment of God, now come down from heaven. So when she, the Bride clearly possessing it, release it, I heard a voice cry out, "this is the antichrist murderer, murderer huh?" -So Maaseiah, you're saying the Bride was portrayed here more than just an heir, but a personality of the Godhead Herself? She and Christ, Sole, acting as a single Marriage Supper now finished, yes, look, I'm telling you guys what's so concerning is that people. Just recently made so alert, are all the more since Trump's election, this Truexit I like to say, with deaf ears about the destruction of the West, beginning with it's one world currency, America. All of which, frightfully per God's Calendar is like done and now crossed off the list of end time things to do, threatening millions US soil alone, now on to the finale of it all, Daniel's seventieth week. So May, it's as done as Holy Spirits showing once allied nations turn on Mystery America, to destroy her, Rev. 17:15-17, into the complete fall of Mystery Babylon. Meaning national to international world commerce, said, gone, demonstrated as we witness that huge container fall on and disable Saddam, just this for many unthinkable season. It would seem Desrek done as early in bible prophecy as the prophet Daniel interpreting to save all their lives, the stone falling from heaven crushing it all, now America's seizure to complete desolations is as said and done as all of this. So the bitter swallow isn't just digesting these unforeseen revelations, but that you can't especially now, America's Truexit and Russia allying, forewarn God's creation. When you Maaseiah say it like that, Brexit, now Truexit, it's like you're saying it's their last chance to get out, well Sole, I didn't see that, but, well, since Obama's House represented a timetable as of Daniel's day now lapsed, it make since that Trumps' is a final chance to get out of it, thus a Truexit, well, even the Authentic Trump of God, Jesus, is the Brides final to Truexit. So the miracle here isn't of those forth telling or forecasting Trump's Presidency years ahead, but instead unable to see that even more important. How from the beginning these being men of prediction, it's all a divine contingency of Heaven, of eventually giving Jesus rule over the raging heathen taking up sword against God's Anointed, for Sole, when they shall say peace and safety. Which is right now a staged stocked market bubble now bursting, which is a Brexit, which is now, a Hussein Obama/Truexit, of a Whitehouse, when its absolute, sudden destruction, Amen, Amen? Yes, Aries, Amen, as in let it be so, Christ reign, to God's Kingdom rule on earth from the beginning, undoubtedly thought to lay in a balancing act of fueling turf wars, now destined a damning finale. Yeah, you guys, beware, like labor not for the meat which perishes, it could very well be the mark of the beast, ah my God Desrek, where you get that? I was made to think of it as I meditated along the house just yesterday, how when Jesus forewarn this. As so, He just as well could've been warning about many who will forfeit their immortal souls, and those of their houses, just for a bite to eat, or a place to sleep. Well, seeing a pale horse judgement rise into fruition as early as 2001, those two beast of revelation, like seven years later, 2008, now the release of the stone cut out without hands an additional, seven years in, 2015; with America's ending cataclysms pending 2016-2017. Whereas yet seven years later, 2024, will be the ten heads, to the Little horn reign eventful finish, again completing Dan. 9, Rev. 17, now making all the sense of end time prophecy being as Gabriel forewarn, right now this instant. So in the most harsh of realities, Trump or Truexit can't make America Great again, except over God's dismissed, inoperable, and thus dead prophecies, which is never in a million years possible. Here, explaining Desrek, why the heathen rage and the rebellious imagine a vain thing, as to war against God, and His Kingdom, as surely as Jesus Millennium now Come.
If I Make My Bed In Hell, Behold, Thou Art There www.deaththeillusion2016.blogspot.com
-I wouldn't count my thought to be blessed, answered prayers just yet, you're to be reminded, whatever man's goal is regarding saving America, God's purpose here is always in favor of the fulfillment of bible prophecy. If having a Trump Presidency mean, well like Russia allying Assad. Wisely, if these seeming unstable allowances mean we're to all the more reach end time settlements between Israel and her Islamic neighbors; here bringing us all into the final seven year peace accord. Honestly, a Trump win doesn't mean America has been saved, not even delayed, only seemingly, that even by the power of disobedience is she repositioned into a proposed since December 25th 2001, of cataclysms, right into the pending, seeming for the ancient final week of Daniel, which has always meant the end of America, and Westernized Civilization.
You know, God knows, Americans placing Trump in the Whitehouse is still about saving themselves at the cause of decimating the world over, it's that Satan/Adam, to Babylon and Roman blood, ancestry yet manipulating them, meaning they only changed their outward attire, but their wicked, leopard skin hearts are more and more Antichrist. Truly Americans are more than you know, and care to admit, of their father Hussein Obama and their monstrous mother, Hillary Clinton, now hiding behind a Trump election, even a Brexit. Heretofore in the words of the Apostle Paul forewarning so long ago, God isn't mocked, a broken heart, a broken and contrite spirit, that is JESUS, is the only Good Sacrifices allowed of Him ever, or ever again.
Actually, it's the prophet Joel crying rend your hearts, see Jesus's blood, into a heart transplant, you're born again, and not your garments, (castaways), this temporal fix, chuchians, sins remain, you're damn, clearly, only the prayers of a Righteous Man availeth much. Which remind me, remember when the prophet Daniel prayed, Chpt 9., that God have mercy upon Israel and not sacrifice and God answered by sending an Angel Gabriel, (Apb 2004), with an Archangel Michael allying, to explain how they, Israel, had 70 weeks of years to make an end of sin.
In all likeness, Americans given 190 months to do the same, even having an Angel Gabriel, 2004, appearing, designing then the generation of fulfillment, yet unrepentant these 15.10, years beyond it's own time able of restoration, 2001-2017. Equally, though America, the West beyond this sentence isn't to be left with one stone upon another, I pray even so come Lord Jesus. America must decease, as all apostate assembly, for Christ's Millennium to increase, and that for a thousand years, got the Authentic Trump of God, got Jesus yet? Awake, Apb, see more here, www.2015zechariaholivet.blogspot.com www.deaththeillusion2016.blogspot.com
prophecy, awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM.
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