Tuesday, November 1, 2016

To Delusions To Death To Damanation

-Day Sixty-four 10/21, of the "week," prophecy, 08/18, a week prior to the last Syrian Truce 08/25, a countdown to resurrection and Daniels week, see Dan. 9, www.2016turfwarsrumors.blogspot.com, www.givemetwelve2016.blogspot.com

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                         

     Jesuis (I Am, We Are), Jesus Christ, In America today, more than 60 million people live in multi-generational households.  That number is so large that it may seem difficult to believe, but the truth is that vast numbers of young adults have had to move back in with their parents and grandparents in recent years due to the deteriorating economy.  Millions of our young people cannot find decent jobs once they leave school, and millions of them are absolutely overwhelmed by debt.  Of course some of them are just lazy, but whatever the reason it is undeniable that multi-generational households are on the rise.  According to the Pew Research Center, 12 percent of the U.S. population was living in multi-generational households back in 1980.  Today, that number is up to 19 percent.  That means nearly one out of every five U.S. adults now live with their parents or their grandparents.

One of the big culprits, of course, is student loan debt.

     According to CNN, approximately 70 percent of all college graduates will have student loan debt to pay off once they leave school, and the average loan balance for those graduates is about $28,950.
But there are many that run up $50,000 or $100,000 in debt at high end schools.  We encourage our young people to apply to the “best schools” that they possibly can, and we tell them that they shouldn’t worry about how much it will cost.  We assure them that they will be able to easily pay back any debts once they leave college because of the “good jobs” that they will get upon graduation.
Unfortunately, millions upon millions of our young people have discovered that the good jobs that they were promised simply do not exist, see more here, http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/overwhelmed-by-debt-nearly-1-in-5-u-s-adults-live-with-their-parents-or-grandparents

     Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Drunken, Bewitched, Suicidal All On Martyred Blood                           

    You May ask, What Happen To Your World? Then I'm to say, only a strong delusion in the beginning, now is come the fulfillment of bible prophecy to Jesus' Millennium, get Him to continue through to God's Kingdom, see here, Psalm 51, Isaiah 13, Rev. 18

Prophecy Link

A Voice, "I have a bear (see bear market, http://www.marketwatch.com/story/7-unmistakable-signs-that-a-bear-market-is-approaching-2016-05-23), in 120 counties/countries, a viral stock market, infecting all treasuries on the map, 09/18/2016

Economist Dale Davidson

     “Right now, there are three key economic indicators screaming SELL, (RUN! Apb), They don’t imply that a 50% collapse is looming, it’s already at our doorstep.”

     Davidson goes on to say, “I know that everywhere you turn things look pretty good. The market is near all-time highs, the dollar is strong, and real estate is booming again. But remember, the exact same scenario played out in 1999 and 2007. The economy is unraveling right now, and fast. Very fast.” Dale Davidson

     I Will Destroy Sodom, Mystery America, The Non-Existent Dream, False Truth
http://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2016/11/dr-jim-willie-unprecedented-bond-dumping-means-u-s-dollar-collapse-ahead-video-2854816.html and see here www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com

     -Undoubtedly you've heard me say it before, I pay close attention to articles concerning especially US treasuries, banks and the stock market. Basically, the US dollar, as Holy Spirit described it as America's (NWO's ) Achilles heel, (the stumbling block of iniquity, Paul). Of America's beyond the heavens above financial debt becoming due, thus the dollar. Even the petrodollar crashing and being no longer this world's primary currency would be the specific quaking domino overlapping and sacking all of them.
     -Lets just say whatever or whoever over the hundreds of years making what is described of America, as the greatest nation ever, sadly meaning it's blood guiltiness is just as massive as it's celebrity. It is with it's leaders being virtually powerless being totally dismantled, so much so an E.L.E., manner of disaster is pending. Unforeseen cataclysms that will finish not only America for hundreds of years of it, but western civilization.
     -The Psalmist has this seeming unimaginable request of God, and I quote, "see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way of everlasting. It's the Christ Lord Himself saying to Heavenly Father, Father glorify thy Son, there is no way Jesus, nor the Psalmist, nor the Bride right now could've made God this unforeseen offer. That's unless they, He knew God was pleased with His, with their righteous heart, (se Rom. 12:1, 2), how about you America?
     -The Supreme Father by way of the death rider vision the early nineties had already declared your world famed lives, lands and churches. Herein both abominable and detestable to Him and this was long before the same sex act vote, which sent America as a nation less Satan's Seat but now a border line Antichrist.  Of that now sailing into a beast nation, with Holy Spirits lamenting get out, for now when they shall say peace and safety instead they're to suffer the greatest of sorrows right into it's very deletion, US soil.
    -Western Civilization, the holocaust maker since the prophet Daniel dream a dream of this beast having iron teeth and the greatest empire, prosecutor and slayer of God's Anointed Temple, now the Roman Empire as seen here, Mystery America, to declared her this blessing is to say God rewarded us her for crucifying His Son. Rome's desolating character, truly now these end times experiencing it's last of days; until then, a mightier then them all beast rule again, the next seven years fulfilling Daniel's final week belong to him, that by every rumor of war, turf war, civil to, proxy war. 
     -Prophetically, it is this little horn marching them all along the valley of Megiddo whereas it is written for thousands of years, (see more here, www.ezekiel536bc1986ad.blogspot.com), that's how only God's Anointed Jesus can rise the victor here. Hence, witnessing a US General reign to Magog's thousands of years of prophecies, as so it's multi-million man satanic to demonic armies, whose warmongerings are so exact.
     -Easily to see, even the Obama Whitehouse decline into the expert bombardments, invasions and insurmountable death tolls, of this end time desolator. Thus praise alone belong to our God of War, (see Exod. 15), having battled mightily by Christ's Cross for us, for as I related before, it is Jesus who is prophesied to destroy them all, with the brightness of His coming. Behold the Sunlight of God, arriving as Apostle Jude testified, with tens, upon tens, upon tens of thousands of His Saints.
     -This end time Apostle have been made to see the fulfillment of all bible prophecy so exactly, we, the Bride walked with Him, Jesus, as His People Israel, now delivered inquired about the wounds in His Hand. You know, the ones by which He was wounded in the house of His Friends, truly greater love hath no man than this, than, that He would lay down His Life, for a friend, (The God Man), beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here, www.2016turfwarsrumors.blogspot.com.

One From Land, Sea, The End Time Beast

     -As hard as it is to believe, these times as forewarn by the angel Gabriel 2004, are upon us, all to explain the two beast I saw rise, just as Senator Obama emerged on the scene. As I said I saw two beast rise, one from land, one from sea, not as yet making reference to Rev. 13, that John saw something similar. Soon identifying these two beast as both the Antichrist and the false prophet; further of which I saw destroyed by the stone made without hands, 02/14/2016. Equally, what I did see was nothing in America was ever the same, right into ongoing debates concerning Hussein filling stations, (Islamic Reign, US soil). Henceforth believe this end time Apostles, these unthinkable evil days are no longer pending, but are minute by minute being fulfilled, a darkness no longer coming but is here..
     -Lets just say, the next cataclysmic event, especially US soil, will mark the end of the church age and the beginning of the final week of Daniel,. Just as so giving much clarity to witnessing Christ's Millennium follow the Obama's Administration, meaning for America, a form of check mate, in a game of war chest, as is described, Rev. 17:13-17, crown him king of king and Lord of lord, thus if you don't have him, get Him, get Jesus, He alone has overcome all of them!

The Stumbling Block Of Iniquity

An End Hath Come! Eze. 7

From Economist Dale Davidson

      “Right now, there are three key economic indicators screaming SELL, (RUN! Apb), They don’t imply that a 50% collapse is looming, it’s already at our doorstep.”
      Davidson goes on to say, “I know that everywhere you turn things look pretty good, (the false calm before the finale). The market is near all-time highs, the dollar is strong, and real estate is booming again. But remember, the exact same scenario played out in 1999 and 2007. The economy is unraveling right now, and fast. Very fast.” Dale Davidson

The Fulfillment Of All Things Is Upon Mankind

     -The Angel Gabriel declared us the generation of fulfillment, Jesus forewarn such end times as in the days of Noah, despite like these leaders openly building this bohemian of a ship, (Jesus Christ) and all round these miraculous things and evidence that went with Noah's bitter sweet obedience. You people act though knowing and being made to see, to understand what is now rebellious mankind's proposed end, and these inconceivable catastrophes one after another and by normalcy bias piercing armor there is nothing but mockery made of it.
    -Possibly heeding bible prophecy is no different than weather announcers forewarning of pending storms, even if they can show you the graphics, (see the prophets of old, to the Apostles' epistles, to the Revelations of Jesus, now see God's Gabriel 2004, telling us all fulfillment at hand, ALL! I told my grands yesterday, concerning this election, how a vote for Hillary, is a vote for Nuclear war.
     -Whereas a vote for Trump, mean we're going to have a dome build all around us, as a wall alone isn't going to work. About five years before the 2008 elections, there was in the spirit world a cry for a Hussein to reign, here recently I've seen Jesus' Millennium follow Hussein Obama, meaning despite how you vote, Jesus is on His way here, so said Holy Spirits 02/17/2015, get Jesus, get Jesus.        

The Sunlight Of God

     -I have testified of being in a visitation in heaven, how it was doing a celebration here, when one of a Holy Spirit approached me, without hesitation, said he want to see you and I said, who? And he said, him, when just as soon I found myself, standing before an illumination like sun, moving from behind what appeared to be this mountain which spoke and I quote, "let my people go!" I've read
how Nibiru to Nemesis is a planetary body included in the prophetic dialog and even fork-lore of various tribes and religions dating back for thousands of years. I must admit, the more I read about it the more I began to wonder, whether this is what John was shown around this exact time, what he went on to describe as a New heaven and earth, as a New Jerusalem descending out of heaven.
     -Scripturely Jesus return will be by the assistance of planetary bodies, described in scripture as with the stars of heaven, said truth giving clarity of the image of seeing Jesus same in between two scientific equations. After setting his feet upon mount Olivet, the prophet Zechariah go into specific details about this inconceivable arrival alone. Which according to him will miraculously and dramatically change the topography around this entire area, actually splitting mountains  like Elohim spit the red sea. How even then it, spiting mountains like a piece of paper will enable a severely battered Israel to escape the antichrist armies, herein it none o these areas will never be the same.  This will further explain King Nebuchadnezzar seeing something similar.
     -A stone cut out without hands, I, this apostle saw as recent as early 2015, how it had the surface of a meteor, there are no coincidences. I saw that this specialty stone was the brides possession, that when she released it, I heard a voice lament, this is the antichrist murderer, meaning a million man army and counting that is now the complete fall of Gog, Magog and Haman -gog, as is described Ezekiel 38, 39th chapters, of Elohim crying even as to forewarn, "I am against you O Gog."
I heard that some 30%  of Americans believe we're living in the last days, I can't help but wonder how many of them are confessing Christians? This is virtually Jesus admonishing the disciples to look out into the field as they're white to harvest, needing more laborers to pray to the Father accordingly, beware, Apb, The RAM.   

Drunken, Bewitched, Suicidal All On Martyred Blood

Kill All Parents By!

     -It was 1998, I told my pastor then, this was coming, Holy Spirits had spent days and days
showing me this, and I said, America is fixing to be in wars again. One enemy Arabian, the other not only Asian, but an Asian invasion on US soil, with epidemics following. You see, these kind of reveals is why I keep getting scriptures like Ezekiel 4, warning about a deadly siege that's come, as so just a few days ago,  the Prophet Jeremiah, see Jer. 37:8, even seeing a US General, handing this Prophet, his horse, (great judgement is come.
    -Evenly, this stark reminder, again how according to it's 37th chapter, 8th verse,  heretofore how a nation that totally forgets God. Will it hen falls into the hands of the enemy, beginning no place else but God's apostate sanctuary, here lately crying aloud, "give me twelve," (see Eze.9, see six slayers). Look mass assembly, get to your own alters, your own knees, get to repentance, names have been taken, those marked by Jesus' blood, as good as taken out of all of it. Awake, Apb, The RAM, see here, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com www.thegoodshepherd2016.blogspot.com

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