Saturday, November 19, 2016

Building A New, United States of Eden

God, Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Eighty-eight, 10/26 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America, gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     Jesuis (I Am, We Are, You Are), Jesus Christ, Assisted suicide is suicide committed with the aid of another person, sometimes a physician. The term is often used interchangeably with physician-assisted suicide (PAS), which involves a doctor "knowingly and intentionally providing a person with the knowledge or means or both required to commit suicide, including counseling about lethal doses of drugs, prescribing such lethal doses or supplying the drugs." Assisted suicide and euthanasia are sometimes combined under the umbrella term "assisted dying", an example of a trend by advocates to replace the word "suicide" with "death" or ideally, "dying". Other euphemisms in common use are "physician-assisted dying", "physician-assisted death, "aid in dying", "death with dignity", "right to die", "compassionate death", "compassionate dying", "end-of-life choice", and "medical assistance at the end of life".
Physician-assisted suicide is often confused with euthanasia (sometimes called "mercy killing"). In cases of euthanasia the physician administers the means of death, usually a lethal drug. In physician-assisted suicide (PAS) the patient self-administers the means of death.[3]
Assisted suicide is prohibited by common law or criminal statute in all U.S. states; medical aid in dying is specifically authorized in six U.S. states: Oregon, Washington, Vermont, Montana, California, and Colorado. The Oregon, Washington, Vermont, and California laws expressly say that, "actions taken in accordance with [the Act] shall not, for any purpose, constitute suicide, assisted suicide, mercy killing or homicide, under the law." This distinguishes the legal act of medical aid in dying from the act of assisting in a suicide. see more here,
Apostles Note:

SHRINKS: Saints, Habitate, Restoration, In, Naturally Khoatic Situations

     -I been watching this movie recently, a really, fun, stunning story, which ends with this thought to be mercify, horrid act of assisted suicide, or PAS, Phyician-asisted suicide.
     As this person bragged about how much they loved their life, you know before, everything as some would sy went to hell, I kept asking but what about heaven? Whatever parts of this planet you think is so phenomenally mesmerizing the same God who laid it all, has made heaven a million times more unthkable, unrealizable, there is no way man is going to ever find anything pleasurous, in a curse, death is a curse. I mean have you even read some of Johns descriptions? The golden streets, the crystal streams, the gates of pearls. I myself, I've seen this indescribable, pearl, winding staircase, where the children played, as it twirl it's mighty self right into the throne of God, and here, there is nothing, no power that can corruption any of his unpronouce for millions of years beauty.
     -As the movie ended with an act of PAS I kept wondering why didn't this person, who was so hell bent on dying, just stop all medical and die natrually, let God who is the decider, but not against the will, decide. They'd fallen in love, and by the time he was to ask her not to marry but to die, well, what both inquired of eachother seemed impossible, she wanted him to live and he thought that imposisble, and he wanted her to watch him die and she thought that was impossible, neither one of them realizing they're both done the impossible, they'd fallen in love, now take the time and enjoy it, while they both as all mankind died.
    -I told my grand who watched it with me if this is what he really wanted why didn;t he stop all medical, all, everything and just let nature take it course, she in his loving arms. I know, that is scarry as hell, remember Jesus the night of Gethesmane, tempted in all points as we, this included the struggles with life and death , Jesus had come into the world to in a short time go to a horrid cross of death and dying for us. So this young man's cross, nor his new love, wasn't death, wasn't watching him die, they did that everything they laid eyes, it was living, it was living with only God's (Holy Spirits), assistance. You see when you take on Christ's Cross as your lifestyle, I mean do you all know what that mean? That you just realeased the possiblity of an incalculable number of the heavenly host coming to your aid if and when need be, as say especially Psalm 91.
      -I'd decided I wanted to die, I didn;t want to be trapped in this cursed, dying, horror of a  body, an aging, suscibale to indscribable pain, and agony and mental torture, don't let me get started on torture, I didn't, I couldn't take it any more. To be seperate from this body, is to be with Christ, for those who are with Christ, this mean Christ Jesus is the authentic way if you going to mutitlate yourself, become holy spirit, god's temple of worship and if you're ready to die, why do you yet have the assistance of man, of medical? You're dying, you and everybody around you know it, there is no saving you, or any of us, it's not gonna happen, not without Christ the of resurrection into immortal life.
     -So I decided, I'd ask God to let it be my healing, let me die, arrive me to Christ, so I had no purpose for medical, for surguries, and all the other band aids of false hope, there was only one good way this could end and I would rise to him, to Jesus, now my heir and heaven my home. If you want to die, just do it, it's right there with you, you are with every breathe you breathe dying, but to assist it in any manner, beside's surrerndering it to Jesus, who will take up your death and dying and by holy spirits live through you, is the taking of human life, and is thus manslaughter to murder, and you not only a victim, we are all future victims of death, only you just made yourself an accomplish to murder. 
     -He that save his life, (flee holy spirit assistance), will lose it, (the soul that die (refuse holy spirit assistence, shall perish), though he that lose his life, for my sake, shall gain it for anymore, meaning the only authentic ending for this movie, no one want or like being trapped in a cursed body with no way out but horible pain, mental to social breakdown, and terrible, even haunting indecision, fear of failure. All are to realize, when the prophet Isaiah prophesied, the coming lamb of God death, he describes how Jesus like a lamb lead to slaughter would be wounded for us, bruised for us, though the greatest gift of grace of all is that he, Jesus, would take the chastisement of our peace upon himself, the most important and heaviest burden of all intentions to harm, is now upon him, Jesus now crying aloud, he me, him you might have this greatest  of all graces, but in the world, again, this curse, you will have tribulation, peace Jesus says he's to give you, but not like world's false calm.
     -Jesus peace giving by the grace of God is actually authentic hope, while the world, the American Dream, lives, lands churches, all hopeless, all this temporal fix, all this imitation of life, cut it all off, it's a lie, don't believe it, when the human being is an eternal, spiritual soul being made in the image of Holy Gods, he doesn't die, his temporal house, even mystery America returns to the earth, this, his immortal spirit to God, and the soul, having Christ, become an heir to God's Throne with him, no crying Abba father, Though the soul never taking, placing hope in the cross of salvation, restoration to glorification, though this story of love and death is touching, it can only end in judgment and hell that follows, again, though it tugs at the heart according to Christ Cross it's all wrong. We, all mankind have been healed by the stripes of Jesus, meaning His Grace (blessed hope), is sufficent in every man, to satanic, to demonic situation, just get to your knees to him.
     -Come instead to Jesus, he will wipe away your tears, there will be no more sorrow, neither will there be anymore pain and anguish, neither death, for the former curse is past away. Now I understand, and you, why doing the demonstration of the Christ of Resurrection, the taking of the bride this stunning spring day, he, Jesus, had wings, I was only months old in Christ but I knew this was out of the ordinary, only to learn later, the prophet Malachi, he called them healing wings, he decribed, what he called the sunlight of God, arriving with healing in his wings, this make sense, he is the great physician, that by his stripes, he has healed, all mankind, behold he knock at the doors of mass assembly, of apoatate reigion and politics all over this planet, crying aloud, if any man. Now with hearts open to him, you've past into the only blessed death and dying, that Elohim God, taking cursed flesh upon Himself, to nail it and captive you by a bloody Cross, has gain for every lineage of Adam, of the woman seed, that will come, divine salvation.

Like The Days Of Noah

Prophecy Links

-A Voice Declaring: "I have a bear in 120 counties/countries," 09/18/2016, a crashing, fumbling and stumbling of the stock market mightily on the map
-A Voice Declaring: "The Antichrist is to kill millions, as millions go broke," the mark of the beast gravely on the map, 08/16/2004
-A Voice Declaring: "God said, He will kill millions," the reaping of God's Wine's Press on the map, the great day of His Wrath hath come, 12/24/2004, the end of all rebellion on the map
From Mystery America, To Whimsical Creations, To Suicide Watches

America, On Suicide Watch                                                                                            

     Article, In the wee hours of November 9, when the US presidential race approached its stunning end, John Draper and those he works with saw a different surprising result. The phone lines at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline lit up in a way not seen before. Article, see more here, 
For When They Say Peace And Safety, (Trump Whitehouse), Get Ye To Jesus, (Truexit)!                

Shrinks, Saints, Habitate, Restoration, In, Naturally Khoatic Situations

Suicide Hotline, Blowing Up Because Of Trump, America, On Suicide Watch
Who Let The Dogs (DEMONS) Out?

    -With a Holy Word bearing aloud, put ye on the whole armor of God, no life, or should I say death and dying is problem free, again, see Jesus the night of Gethsemane, crying the spirit, now all the more enbolden by the cross is with impenatrable will but the flesh, the flesh is all the more this greater curse upon mankind upon it's denial of God's Will, "take this cup (human kind's blood redemption), from me," fear hath torment.  From medical centers, to rehab houses, to houses for alcohol addition, there are phyic wards, the prison centers, a land litered with graves, with just as many churches, even educations centers and last but not least goverment, are all proof man is incapable of living a care free life without Christ Cross as Lord, this is what King David, was saying, though he, we, all of us, walk through a valley of a shadow of death, thou art with me, we are not alone.
     -It's impossible for us to be alone ever, this is why the palmist further said, if I ascend into heaven (knowing Jesus), though art there, if I make my bed in hell, (unrepentant, refusing Jesus), though art there), yes, scripture talk about Jesus visiting hell and conversing with the spirits/souls there, here awaiting the great white throne judgment, whereas they're to be cast into a lake of fire. Shakespare, Romeo and Juliet is one of the most beast of beauty stories of humankind, see also but it's still rooted in a choice to die, not having planned for the second life, and death issue awaiting on  the other side, before you die, before you kill, suicide, remember.
     -You're not just deciding your temopral your deciding how and where you will spend etenity, this is hell on earth, the American Dream exist so you can no longer concsider nor process these things, Lucifer's aim from the beginning. It was to blind you from this biblical reality, meaning it is a soul consuming deception posing as a good shepherd, it is, never was, and never could be your friend, don't be deceived, prepare to die, it's coming, it has a daily presence even as your shadow, but so does heavenly angels, requiting for God's Kingdom, though only by Christ's Cross, prepare to live, prepare to as well spend eternity an heir of, with Jesus, where the second death, (lake of fire), hath no power, wherein shall you die, live!

Calls to crisis and suicide prevention hotlines surge post-election

Fear Hath Torment

     -Ain't no sunshine when she'e gone, by bill Wihers, as i sahred is one of many words given in or by a song, its like the prophets of old receiving various forms of allegories, I confessed when I first got this song as a word of knowledge, even warning, athough I considered a world without Jesus Chrit, This horrid, what I didn't consider, was a world not only without the Bride, but without America or Westernized Civilization, henceforth without the dispensation of Grace and The Church age all now moved out of their sought after places.
     -Then I begin to remember, one prophets testimony of how he saw the world after, the bride, and thus Mystery America was no more, something or someone else families feel lost without, he said to fully understand the spirit of the people once the resurrection of the righteous dead performed itself, he said, you would have to imagine, all people all over the planet where living a funeral whereas they'd all lost their mother at the same time, you see, there's no sunshine when she's gone either.
America, On Suicide Watch
     -Article, In the wee hours of November 9, when the US presidential race approached its stunning end, John Draper and those he works with saw a different surprising result. The phone lines at the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline lit up in a way not seen before.
Between 1 and 2 a.m. alone, Draper said, the national network fielded 660 calls. The volume was two to three times what it had been, and that was on a night when calls were already on a dramatic upswing, increasing as polls closed and returns came in, the lifeline's director said.
It's a trend that's played out with other services too, and the direct link to the election was "pretty undeniable," said Draper, who's spent about 25 years working in the suicide prevention and crisis intervention field. "I can't say I've seen anything like this. ... And it's certainly not something I've ever seen in an election," Article, see more here, 
     -The movie I watched and shared here was about a man paralyzed from the neck, down, so some would say he was bound, they understand his request. Even his desperation, yeah, but so is all mankind, equally bound, scripture says the woman seed was born to redeem those under the law. Meaning those bound, confine, even paralyzed along a sickbed by the law of sin and death, by the law of condemnation. Just as so by a system, Satanic, to Demonic, to Religious Iron men who by the mystery of iniquity (Mystery America). A seeming prestigious formation and allegiance of political governments, John further sees sitting, ruling and constricting many waters, these waters being, people, nations and kingdoms. These waters being man's famed, trustworthy, lives, lands, churches, their America, skirts now unveiled.
     -So lets just say as Jesus, all that has gone before you, all these millennia have been nothing more or less than thieves and robbers, now appearing as an answer to all your labor some prayers and problems, which is actually a predatory lending of that artificial escorting and courting you right into the second death, HELL! Horribly of which every aspect and formation of man is just another ill devised, wickedly advised plan, leading to death and after death, always comes judgment, stop glamorizing it! To glamorize and even fantasize faithless death and dying, is to glamorize the infinite fires of Hades right now heartbreakingly filled to it's horrid brim of mislead, now damn for eternity, people.
     -This tremendous indecision to the strongest of delusions is why Jesus forewarn the thief, Satan, Mystery America, having come but for to steal, kill and destroy. It's Lucifer yet the garden, tugging at your ears, yours eyes, your heart and mind. That's now after two thousand years of Christ's Ministry yet of this evil asking you, what do you see? Although Elohim says it's death, dying, judgment, and hell, Satan, America, want you too see, that all is right with the world, of the upmost importance, see an alter of blood reconciliation, beware, blessed only are the dead, now heirs with Christ. Apb, The RAM

Escaping America, Gaddafi's United States Of Africa, The African Juttah

Millions of U.S. citizens could end up in Brazil, Australia, or Argentina if the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts, it has been claimed.

     -South African news website Praag claims the African National Congress was offered $10 billion a year for 10 years if it would build temporary housing for Americans in case of an eruption as part of contingency plans being drawn up. (what a literal staggering amount of money, Apb),
Read more:

We can build United States of Africa, Gaddafi says

     -Colonel Gaddafi pushed for the creation of the United States of Africa at the 2000 African Union Summit in Lome, Togo. He went on to provide financial incentives to encourage agreement with his ideas. In another world this would be bribery but in Gaddafi’s world, it was flawless politicking. The Wall Street Journal reports that the strongman at one point bankrolled African Union expenses by providing at least 15% of the African Union membership fees and helping nations in arrears like Malawi clear their balances. He then presented the USA idea in June 2007 in Conakry, Guinea and then again in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in February 2009.
     -It did sound like a power-hungry man’s plot to take over the world. If he had had the signature villainous laugh, it would have been clear that he was indeed the reincarnation of every glorified childhood cartoon villain anyone ever knew. His idea though grand and impressive on paper was a proposal to take 54 egos and make them pledge allegiance to one leader; himself! A little far-fetched one would think.

     -What I Like About the 2012 Movie, How Just These Imaginable Horrors, Preached, Many Millennia, Just Start Happening, Beware

    -The year 2007 as mention here, took my direct attention, see more here,, it was this year after reading and being impressed by Trudeau's Books, I eventually wrote him, explained the contents of a book I'd written, Preece Ebonee Be'le, as I was requesting help for publishing. If this letter had been an insert for their work, then it would've depicted perfectly what is portrayed in the movie 2012, right into the Arks, and the escape of all world refugees into territories of a New African territory. Clearly what Col. Gaddafi describes as a United States of Africa, my proposed, since the late eighties, African Juttah. So I guess you can say, what I don't like about the 2012 movie, is that the work didn't credit it's original author/creator, Apostle Patricia A. Bradford.
     -I know the most important question, that especially per the article, of US leaders making an offer to African Leaders, of 10 billion dollars for 10 years, of preparing and planning to evacuate the US citizens again into made ready parts of Africa. Notably, this was about four years after they conspired against Col. Gaddafi, making these unforeseen plans for Africa, himself, and virtually setting him for the kill. I don't know where hundreds of millions of homeless Americans would go, I always believed they would migrate extreme south east, and use mega, even transforming ships on water, right into African Territories.
     -Further I will admit, I know frightfully, but you have to remember, I been seeing evacuations in America, to even an exodus, lately a mocked, slow motion one, for thirty years now. I must tell you, the movie, The Road,, with Viggo Mortensen is a good depiction of the unthinkable horrors pending US soil. That's not that long from now, and if you're not a believer, as so knowing suicide to murder suicide isn't the answer, it's Jesus, the American exodus or both, a legitimate, Truexit. This move should be easy, the righteous Bride, snatched out and no longer the greatest hinderer of evil, don't be deceived, will be all the more proof, you and your loved ones are now in a beast system, do not take the mark, flee/stand.   

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