Monday, November 7, 2016

-God, Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Eighty 10/28 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                       

     Jesuis (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, ...40 Million Russians to Take Part in ‘Emergency Evacuation’ Drill, 
     Exercise takes place days after U.S. State Department warned of terror attacks in Russian cities
A stunning 40 million Russians from all levels of government will take place in a civil defense “emergency evacuation” drill starting tomorrow.
Federal agencies, heads of regions, local authorities and other organizations will take part in the massive exercise, which runs from October 4-7. The simulation will include 200,000 “professional rescue units” and 50,000 pieces of equipment,” reports Interfax.
“Abnormal emergency rescue teams” will wargame “evacuation” procedures during a national crisis, according to the report.
According to Oleg Manuilov, the director of the Russian Civil Defence Department, the exercise will be a test run of how the population would respond to a “disaster occurrence” under an “emergency” situation.
The drill takes place amidst heightening tensions between the United States and Russia.
As we reported last week, Moscow responded to U.S. State Department spokesman John Kirby’s warning that Russian cities could suffer terrorist attacks if Vladimir Putin continued his military campaign in Syria by taking it as a veiled threat.
“Extremist groups will continue to exploit the vacuums that are there in Syria to expand their operations, which could include attacks against Russian interests, perhaps even Russian cities. Russia will continue to send troops home in body bags, and will continue to lose resources, perhaps even aircraft,” Kirby told reporters at Wednesday’s press briefing, adding that if the war in Syria continues “more Russian lives will be lost, more Russian aircraft will be shot down.”
Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova responded by suggesting that Kirby’s announcement sounded, “more like a ‘get ’em’ command, rather than a diplomatic comment.”
Last month, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford told the US Senate that in order for a no fly zone to be imposed over Syria, the United States would have to go to war with Russia. See and here,

Apostles Note                                                      

Prophecy Link

The Death Angel, A Sharp Syringe

     -In this dream of 03/27/2009, I witness how myriads in the country were sitting anxiously in front of their TV sets awaiting and participating good to horrible news. I imagined it was like a scene similar to the Cuban Missile crisis and the entire country, make that the world nervously anticipating a war between America and Russia.
     -Although just as soon as the worse news broke I saw readied, alert and now fleeing for their lives, for their children lives of stampeding Americans. I saw those slacking behind were come upon by a death angel in the land who laid them back as to jammed a sharp, sword-like syringe into their chest, their heart. I saw after this deadly execution how Americans end up as nothing more than a brown, magnetic manner of memorabilia one is to hang on the refrigerator, beware, Apb

Obama's Rule, Islamic Reign, Jesus Millennium

     -All of a sudden I ask myself, could this mind boggling to heart gripping all these years taxing anticipation, have simply been a look into an at present dramatic wait of the out come of 2016 elections; this present phenomenon that wasn't supposed to happen, instead obeying God, all having fled to repentant alters? I mean, when you completely consider what was being unveiled here, 2009, it's now seven years of forewarning reads as a right at this moment breaking news article.
     -Truly we have a historic outcome pending, all are waiting it's news, on the edge of their seats because of it, both politically and militarily, the famed Whitehouse seat. One vote, with a lot of work is thought to bring peace again overall US soil/World currencies, while the other. More along Americans/Brits reaping centuries of bloodletting, of death tolls now it's own soil.
     -Just think in the words of a Jurassic scientist, if a mouse can see a cat as a monster, then Britain's to Americans victims by the millions and counting can see her, and all allying her as terrorist. I believe this is why doing a demo of Brits and Americans seeming detach to opposite directions, 2005, (see Brexit, 2016), I heard it instead commanded how they were to be separated into itty, bitty pieces. Unmistakably, her kettle, it's bowls are black (guilty), as well, so beware, despite US elections, something cataclysmic deeply sown US/Western soil, with reaping accords, 2001-2017, this way is come, beware, Apb, The RAM, also see,

Turfs Wars, Derivatives and Political Scandals

     -Seen to be seeing a controversial note, letter, a scandal of sorts targeting the Whitehouse which is to then cause nation wide panic, chaos and repeated forms of vicious attacks. All of the above when a white (pure, redeemed) woman’s cry toward heaven cause the heavens to cry out in it’s own voice, in her own hearing, “A Day Before Christmas.” There’s something about the day before Christmas, about December, 24th about Christmas eve, a form of divine intervention gloriously on the map 12/10/2008

     -As I've testified, three, well actually four of the most stunning demos concerning the great gathering of saints were always set around the same time Nuclear tensions like at this very second were at their most dramatic. The last as just prior to Russia coming to Syria's Assad aid, as forewarn a week prior, 08/18, which lead to a new Syrian Truce, a week later, 08/25, which felled apart a week therein, 09/12-09/19, which as well placed these two warring giants. The west vs. the east I guess you can say, not just on war settings, forewarn of my church elders 1998, but those threaten to go nuclear.
     -Well, as I was saying like July 2015, I was for an unnumbered time being shown the Bride's departing just prior to what is now pending not only a WW3 but as I said, such threats are edging on the premise of great nuclear war. A time prior, of being raptured out, I witness nuclear missiles descend, just as we ascended, and yet a time or two prior, both 1986, and 2011, were both times of failed nuclear plants and as well rising nuclear threats. So, the forewarning just above, about a White house scandal and a Holy Woman, interceding heaven, when I researched this date, Dec. 24th 2008, I found the article I'm sharing.
     -This too mean additionally, her (The Righteous Bride, Righteous Intervention), outcries was again regarding a pending nuclear outbreak, in which this at present country. Well, that's, mankind, haven't since Noah's earth, the Roman Empire and, or Hitler's Germany claiming 10 millions lives, souls, alone. I know, how intensely staggering, only whose combine, tally will all pale in comparison. That's to those tolls of massive lost of life calculating Iron men mounting with turf wars right now. Surely a season of mortuary so severe, opening the fourth seal John was simply made to see what I witness here nearly 2000 years later, it's now come into fruition 2001-2017. Inconceivably, a pale horse rider, bringing mayhem and death to at least a quarter of the planet, with a horse labored hades, allying him.
     -Again, these various forewarnings are a stark reminder of the matured state of end time fulfillment we now in, so if you haven't got to him, Jesus, surely without further hesitation you should. Well noted by now, until Jesus take Her. this will be my prayer and forewarning, a time of man slaughter unlike any prior or any to come. So vast that it's funeral reef reached far into the heavens above, with an antichrist reign, like three and a half years into US 2016 elections. How for an additional three and a half years is now come, this doesn't include the measure of human toll related to God's Wine Press alone, said to be in the millions itself.
     -These truths, scripturally proven to be evident by every tick of clock is why this end time Apostle, having what could be only seconds left, keep asking whether or not you got, Him, not America's Trump, but the Trump of God. That's mankind's Blood Redeemer, as one is a Band-Aid, in comparison to a heart transplant, now to be honest, said comparison never stood a chance on earth and herein cannot stand a chance in hell, if you don't have Jesus, get Him, get Jesus! Awake, Apb, The RAM,

Magnetic Manner of Memorabilia, A Crystalized Falling Sky

      -Undoubtedly I've seen and lived with this reality happening US soil, even an Arab to Asian military invasion US soil, for these thirty years I've been in Christ's ministry, the question, now as Putin Russia, and China threatening in all likeness, has undoubtedly become their own brand of forewarning seeming lackadaisical Americans, how many millions of us, of the USA are prepping and preparing even in a minuscule way since the worse is happening.
     -Something a dream took me into specific awareness and I you, over a decade ago demonstrating these times, as in days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, only worse. With the soon to be bursting out of their homes of comfort zones, at the collateral damage and decimation of so many others, of stampeding Americans. Those now all but overcome by a heart targeting grim reaper, totally and completely ending them, so how do you prepare for such a well design E.L.E? Take heed to these warnings and design your shelter, also an alter of repentance that is Jesus, the way, truth and the blessed life, beware, Apb, see more here,  see,, Apb

Prophecy Links

The Exodus

-Seen to be in an evacuation, especially an exodus followed by celebrity types all triggered by a plethora of natural disasters. Those performing themselves from mudslides, to floods, to massive animal stampedes, to earthquakes, fire, snow and wind storms. There’s an over abundance of turmoil on the map 10/12/2007 my unnumbered as yet prophecy link.
-Seen to be seeing Mystery America, Babylon weighed, numbered and found lacking, a judgment equaling on a weigh scale the total sum of 190...That’s one hundred and ninety months for all Industries, Religion and Politics to bring an end to sin, and to anoint the most holy, and bring in everlasting righteousness…12/25/2001
-A Voice Declaring: "Two weeks and seven years," moments after the Obama Administration a divine countdown, unto the fulfillment of all things biblical and prophetic again on the map 07/29/2008 (see Russia and Georgia, a prelude to end time world wars)
-Seen to be seeing a controversial note, letter, a scandal of sorts targeting the Whitehouse which is to then cause nation wide panic, chaos and repeated forms of vicious attacks. All of the above when a white (pure, redeemed) woman’s cry toward heaven cause the heavens to cry out in it’s own voice, in her own hearing, “A Day Before Christmas.” There’s something about the day before Christmas, about December, 24th about Christmas eve, a form of divine intervention gloriously on the map 12/10/2008

The Rats, More Like The Demon Scramble

    -Someone asked a question, what is the difference between an infirmity and a temptation, man being cursed, as so it's earthen home, they will suffer tribulations (infirmities), as surely as this is natural, but the extent of these sufferings depends partially on how easily they're lead and are taken by deception, to disobedience to temptation, it's why Jesus who has overcome this cursed, pure blood becoming a cursed for us, for cursed is everyone, like Jesus for who hang upon a tree.
     -Whereas a temptation, is something Satan tried on Jesus, Jesus being tempted at all points as mankind, but without sin, still Lucifer tried him, after he'd fasted along a wilderness some 40 days. A Temptation, unlike a cursed upon infirmity is to be overwhelmingly urged into an act that could have a lasting, even damning effect, not only on you, the tempted, but all mankind, just imagine if Jesus had fallen into these temptations?
     -We not only wouldn't, w couldn't be having this conversation, those innocent but dually affected as all mankind is lineage to one, now cursed Adam, prick him, religiously, politically, socially financially and especially militarily, all humankind suffer in all likeness, this is why Jesus, the second Adam has said, when you do it unto the least of them, you do it unto Him, Me, Us.
     -When God, Elohim, the one 1993 I witness sobbing uncontrollably behind a silence in heaven, how his people were crying, how they were being stripped of everything Jesus Christ. A bit different wouldn't you say that being brought lately, to stand before discernibly a sunlight in the third heavens, the throne of God, emerging from behind a mountain top which spoke, and said, let my people go (feed my sheep, lambs, the truth, truth is deliverance). Just as so, was the prophet Ezekiel being brought before a hole having been tore into one of the walls of their mass assembly, holy spirit imparted so he could see, "the evil that they do in the dark."
     -Believe this apostle, what Ezekiel did see was this heinous beyond belief, an unprecedented  manner of Idolatry.  Well what my husband was brought to see, well first it was to demonstrate an incalculable lack, and financial crash, he, his mom and brother all riding three to one bike. when the death rider which I witness be loosed from beneath the earth, I mean the earth open and he this greatest of grim reaper ascended into earth's failed position. This most proficient bringer of mortuary was to target all abominations and detestations upon the lives, lands and churches of the people for, and I quote, "they had forsaken God."
     -And The Churches, holy spirit while explaining God's pending judgment, always include the church in this number, actually they're the ones normally targeted first, especially if you consider how all religion to politics, to every branch of mankind's continuance was founded or is rooted into a branch of what mankind recognize as the church, bringing your remembrance to Jesus overthrowing the money changers tables, and challenging the religious leaders to instead try God's Temple, the rebellious will always use the church as a form of safe haven, foolishly from the Holy throne that had it, crying aloud beware, even fret not thyself, all mankind reap what they sow.

     -Not having or leaving us ignorant, every time a seal of Revelation was open, John was told by angelic creatures to come and see, he, Mack further described that as they arrived the church parking lot, again, it was Mack, one of his seven brothers, and his mom, all three to one bike. How even then he could visibly see demons around from the back of this man made structure, rising from the earth, pouring right into the church. Rightly there was a time the prophet Jeremiah was forewarn, how a spirit of 'Jealousy,' waited at the doors of the temple, to infect the people as they entered in. Oddly meaning they didn't stand a chance, explaining here lately in 1998 Mass assembly was commanded to get back to alters of Christ, and in 2013, told of its massive number how they need to fall in love with God, get ye to Jesus!
     -Jealously an unholy spirit the apostle James explained having with it, well that's envy and strife, how there is then confusion, (to be without Jesus as head of all things), and every evil work, and you all, every evil work. Explaining Jesus witnessing mass assembly greatest of detriment as a seat of Satan actually sat in rule and reign over them, in other words, they didn't stand a chance, a devilish infiltration so exact, all the Lord could see of it, is that members. Of various denominations now by the millions were being stripped, Satan's seat easily by mass allegiance bruising of all things holy, consecrated and acceptable to God, as it was being bamboozled of all things Jesus Christ brought them.
      -It was then He, Mack went on to describe, how once inside the church, was seen this way to heinous to describe as this unforeseen testament of this article. First, I want people to remember why Noah's earth was destroyed, all men, woman, children, and all creatures that hath breath, all except Noah's Ark. Mankind courting fallen angels and now demons has crafted a manner of coup against the Godhead, which involved a demonic manner of sexual promiscuity. As so is what happen to Sodom, Gomorrah and other surrounding cities, the god man, had fallen into immeasurable, unthinkable satanic to demonic bouts of whoredoms, as is the church, churchian at present.

     -An Illuminating reality demonstrated lately, as one man, doing a church service, proposed marriage to another male, a practice of sodomy, of what to God are abominations, all while the pulpit and congregation, instead correcting them, all the more applauded them. This is further explain, how greatly into wickedness mass religious assembly has descended, because every male in the building, Mack witness a demon horde, they these erections and upon each one was horribly unthinkably attached, an oblivious infant child, the way Elohim God has reacted to sexually abnormalities from Noah's earth until this present hour.
     -It is clearly evident, not only does a seeming innocence, corrupts the whole lot, no form of uprightness will be tolerated. So you hear Jesus say to the Jezebel possessing all the earth into abominable worship, that's without any regret, "I will cast you into a bed, thy lovers into great tribulations, except ye repent, (get to alters of Jesus Christ), and I will kill your children wit death." Something I gravely fear both the divine census to a cry demanding twelve, to yet another calling on all parents to be killed, meaning no doubt, all rebellious parents by a certain projected, by Dec. 2001 date of Oct. 2017, again I relate what was related to me 2004, not only how the antichrist is to kill millions as millions go broke, but God saying how he (as in his wine press), will kill millions as well,  all forecasters, of every aspect religiously, financially, militarily right now are warning you, that the worse ever, or ever to be foreseen again is happening.
     -Now knowing what it is you worship, of Holy Spirit, that's once they showed John the great whore of Mystery, of humankind disobedience, sitting on many waters, meaning ruling over all lives, lands and churches, all dispensations, generation and era, that never except by Christ's Cross, washed and made holy by it's righteous blood, have you nor will you and yours ever be free from her, even a second death, damnation await all her worships. From Revelations to miraculous, this will explain Holy Spirits, as so the church age Bride shown behind the sounding of the seventh trumpet angel, celebrating enduring the painstaking finale of an ancient since the rise of Greats like Egypt, Babylon and he Roman Empire now giving birth to ten, and this ten the antichrist rise, of the rebellious era, crying aloud without ceasing until Christ return, And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth, Rev. 11:18

The Eleven O'clock Shopping Lunch HOur, Where Are They Now?

Prophecy Links

     -There's something about the word, or suffix, Err 11/02/2016, as in Error, as in to blunder, fumble, to miscalculate your mission,
-Seen to be sleeping at the mall, seen to be seeing shopping malls transformed into fall out shelters, 2016 

Excessive Shoppng, The Stumbling Block Of Iniquity

     -Holy Spirits mockery of such ills, shoppers 2003, being awarded an 11 O'clock shopping lunch hour, all while their military loved ones, like at present are facing some of the worse torture vehicles since Hitlers' Germany, wake up out of it!
    -I got the word Err, just the other night and immediately I was reminded of Bush's war on the axis of evil, which only advanced and embolden terrorist cells. Of which was designed 2003, one Error (Err), into a new Fear Factor, possibly the plotting of terrorist attacks targeting US soil, on US soil, see the tumbling of Syed Farook.
     What was so apparent is that we had a president, not telling us to get to the alters, but to go shopping while they placed millions of lives, even our own in danger, like we don't care who gets hurt or dead, we want America! Ideally we could see where our governmental leaders heart where, as so heir thinking, but what about us, the American people, just who or how many are we willing to kill to have just one more day at a temporal as a vapor of smoke system?
     Remember, mankind is so failed militarily because we, they were never build to wrestle against flesh and blood,  their, human kind warfare was never carnal but spirit, a spiritual warfare only Elohim God could, and has fought for them, by righteous blood mandating promises, covenants all, followed "and I will be to them a God, (Father, Good Shepherd) and they shall to me a people,
(Righteous Heir), none of which this present nation nor this earth is, nor ever could be, because it could've never been won at the barrel of a gun, meaning mankind was crafted from the beginning to live, worship and fellowship with his own kind, God/Man/Jesus.
     -Specialist, those military and monetary say, this is why wild life Americans can't be trusted with info concerning approching troubles. How they're to wigg out and more, panic, even rip themselves apart. I know this, by visions and dreams lately I saw crufews, I witness terrorist attacks on US soil.
    I saw Walmarts in flames, actually with the exception of the West Coast, that like disappeared into the ocean, the entire country burn, Whitehouse, Kennedy Space Center, all. As so was I forewarn 2011 about an approaching Police State, meaning an occupied America, beware, nothing but Christ's alter is this important, and I do mean, "NOTHING!" Get ye to Him, Jesus, see more here,,

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